Tuesday, October 11

More redecorating

...Yes, I did change the look of my blog again.  It is autumn now, and I thought I should reflect what is going on outside...somewhere.  The leaves in my neighbourhood don't look like this yet.  I'm looking forward to seeing what I can do for winter and Christmas.

Autumn and Thanksgiving

This past weekend was Thanksgiving in Canada.  I did dinner for 14, with some help...other family members brought wine, potatoes and salad.  I provided the turkey, a small roast of beef, alcohol-free beverages (for the ducklings) and a wonderful squash recipe I saw on TV years ago  (click here to see it).  We have had such lovely weather for early October, so it was a fantastic holiday weekend.  The ducklings even had one last splash in the inflatable pool.  All this while in the distance, you can see the trees slowly changing colour.

I love to see the bright reds and oranges, and watch the leaves drift slowly from the trees, but, this year, the colours are muted (we have not yet had any frost in our area), so I don't know if we will get any of that brilliant autumn scenery this year.

Today, is supposed to be the last of the marvelous weather we've been having, so I should get out and enjoy it while I can.